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Sempai Omar Ruego, Nidan


Omar's first teacher was also Shihan Richard Stickles, whose influence is apparent when he teaches, especially when demonstrating with aikido (wooden) weapons, bokken (sword), jo (staff), tanto (knife). Omar learned from Sensei Jimmy Shaffer as well, incorporating his style and finesse when he shows certain techniques and ukemi (receiving of the technique).


Please check back for more on Sempai Omar, whose regular class is Thursday night, but will occasionally teach a Tuesday or Friday as well.


Ulysess R. "D1" (Soto Deshi)


have been practicing since 2017. Part of my training is helping newer students acclimate to this martial art and showing them the basics. There is always something to learn from anybody - a good teacher is always a student. The most important lesson I've learned from Aikido is that whatever life presents you with, you can learn to roll with it.

Zander R. "D2" (Soto Deshi)


Soto Deshi of Tenchi Aikido and have been practicing Aikido since 2018. The more I practiced over the years, the greater my appreciation for Aikido developed. My training has also helped me grow as a person on and off the mat. As Soto Deshi, I help newer students learn the basics and do my best to pass down the teachings that my Senseis have instilled in me. At every practice I focus on learning, being diligent, and having fun while doing so. I truly believe that Aikido is an experience that can be positive and fun for those who wish to learn it. 



Sharon R. (Staff)


"The greatest power in all the world is mastery of self." Adapted from Leonardo da Vinci


To me, Aikido bridges the often overwhelming gap between that purest intention of my most inner self with the inevitable shortcomings of my outer one. In this way, Aikido is more than just the practice of a martial art; it is a guiding principle, a philosophy, a way of living off the mat. 




The late Shihan (Master Teacher) Richard M. Stickles, 7th Dan, founded Aikido Schools        of  New Jersey (ASNJ) in 1977. Sensei Stickles was a full-time Aikido instructor who practiced and  taught Aikido for over 40 years. He began his Aikido training as a soto deshi  (direct disciple) of  Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, 8th Dan and Chief instructor of the New York Aikikai. Sensei Stickles has practiced with many of O’Sensei’s direct disciples and received personal instruction from O’Sensei’s son, the late Kisshomaru Ueshiba. He traveled and trained throughout the U.S.,  Europe,  and Japan and taught Aikido  seminars nationally and internationally. In addition, he was on the instruction staff at New York Aikikai, provided supervision and guidance to help students operate their own dojos, and was a senior representative of the United States Aikido Federation in New Jersey.


picture with Stickles Shihan
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